My favorite childhood summer memory doesn’t involve a trip to Disney World or a massive fireworks display. While those events are undoubtedly magical, the experience that sticks most with me involves a subtler kind of illumination. As a kid growing up in New England, I’d often head to the coast during the summers with my family. In the evenings … CONTINUE READING
Is Aquastretch Right for You?
Given its name, you might assume that Aquastretch involves traditional stretching in the water. While that’s partially true, there are also many more benefits of the treatment. Aquastretch combines manual therapy with patient-initiated range-of-motion exercises to increase flexibility, recover from injury, and prevent painful conditions … CONTINUE READING
The History of Hot Dogs and Burgers
If your plans for this summer involve firing up the barbecue, you’ll probably be cooking two American classics: hot dogs and hamburgers. Come July, families will be grilling up burgers and dogs from sea to shining sea, but it wasn’t always this way. The story of how beef patties and sausages became culinary symbols of our nation will give you plenty of food for thought … CONTINUE READING